Capital InvestPlan and Capital Flexi InvestPlan

Unit Prices

“Capital InvestPlan” and “Capital Flexi InvestPlan” are not available to new policy application

Latest Valuation Date (MM/DD/YYYY): 09/12/2024

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Selected Date: 09/12/2024

Code Name of Investment Choice Valuation Date Bid Price
Offer Price
Launch Date *
BCCEH BOCHK CHINA EQUITY FUND (CLASS A) 09/12/2024 46.7339 46.7339 10/25/2002
BCHIH BOCHK HONG KONG DOLLAR INCOME FUND (CLASS A) 09/12/2024 10.8582 10.8582 07/12/2002
SCHBH SCHRODER ISF - HONG KONG DOLLAR BOND "A1 ACC" 09/12/2024 20.4674 20.4674 08/09/2002
SCHEH SCHRODER ISF - HONG KONG EQUITY "A1 ACC" 09/12/2024 310.0006 310.0006 08/09/2002

*Launch date relates to the underlying fund.

Important Information

Investment involves risks. The unit price of investment choices may go down as well as up. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. For details of the investment-linked insurance products, including charges and risk factors, and the relevant charges of the investment choices, please refer to their offering documents.

For details of the underlying funds, please refer to the offering documents of the respective underlying funds, which are available from the Company upon request and at the Company’s website.

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