It is every parent’s dream to see their child grow up healthy and strong. In reality, children are exposed to all kinds of diseases.
To ensure that your child receives the best treatment should he or she suffer from a childhood illness, you must act now and arrange comprehensive health insurance.

- The FIRST plan of its kind to provide coverage for childhood illnesses
- Relieves parents from a potentially huge financial burden since the rehabilitation period for most childhood illnesses is rather long
- Severe asthma1
- Insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, juvenile onset
- Fractures of femur, pelvis, spine or skull (due to accident)2
- Systemic juvenile chronic arthritis - Still's Disease
- Autism
- Intellectual impairment3
- AIDS caused by blood transfusion
- Haemophilia
- Cancer
- Bacterial Meningitis
- Total and permanent disability3
- Aplastic Anaemia
- Infantile Spinal Muscular Atrophy
- Kawasaki Disease
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta
1. Benefit amount equal to 20% of the sum insured.
2. Benefit amount equal to 10% of the sum insured.
3. Applicable only to insured aged 4 or above and caused by disease or accident.
- In the event that your child becomes ill with one of the 15 relatively common pediatric illnesses, you will receive a lump sum payment so that your child can receive the best possible treatment and care

Age 0-17

To Age 25

To Age 25 (renew annually)