What is your 'prime' choice when preparing for your children's future?
To see one's child to have a great head start is the wish of every parent. However, high-quality education is costly, that's why start planning today is essential.

- A relatively higher rate of return than most bank deposits
- Offers a "retrospective additional crediting interest" and an "Extra Bonus", making the savings for your child's education grow even faster
- When a policy has been in force for 15 years or more, the Account Value is guaranteed to have accumulated to at least an amount as if the interest rate credited had been 2.5% p.a.
- You can enjoy flexible increase of premium
- You can exercise the automatic periodic withdrawal option1 to withdraw a specified amount of Cash Value monthly/annually at preset intervals.
- You can skip Premium Payments
1. Automatic periodic withdrawal option is only applicable if the policy has been in force for at least 10 years, the withdrawal charge will be waived. Current requirement on minimum monthly withdrawal amount is US$500/HK$/MOP4,000, with minimum withdrawal period of one year; and the minimum annual withdrawal amount is US$6,000/HK$/MOP48,000, with minimum withdrawal period of three years. For any change after the application has been confirmed, a nominal fee will be levied.
- In the event of the policyowner's death, or total disability for over 6 consecutive months before age 65, YF Life will pay the premiums for you until the insured child reaches age 252.
- At the policy anniversary following your child's 21st birthday, the initial Basic Sum Insured may be increased up to five times, up to a maximum of US$300,000/HK$/MOP2,400,000
- In the event of the Insured being first diagnosed with Terminal Illness3, a sum of Terminal Illness Benefit will be paid
2. The "Payor's Benefit" is valid until the insured child has reached age 25 or the policyowner has reached age 65, whichever is sooner.
3. Terminal Illness means a disease of the Insured, which in the opinion of our appointed medical consultant is likely to lead to death of the Insured within twelve months. Upon payment of the Terminal Illness Benefit, the related policies and all the supplementary benefit(s) attached will automatically be terminated. Please refer to the policy document for the relevant terms and conditions.
- If the insured child suffers from certain pediatric illnesses, a lump-sum benefit will be paid.
- Comprehensive coverage provides the insured child with lump-sum benefits and reimbursement of medical costs for injury due to accident.


To age 100

To age 100

Talk to us now (852) 2533 5555