Own the future by passing on the success of today
Preeminence offers both a Guaranteed Cash Value and a Terminal Bonus to enhance wealth accumulation. What’s more, it provides you with lifelong insurance protection such that you can pass on your comfortable lifestyle to your loved ones.
- The plan guarantees protection that lasts for a lifetime
- The death benefit will be paid directly to the designated beneficiary so that you can rest assured that your loved ones will inherit your wealth and continue to enjoy the same quality of life
- The plan provides you with a Guaranteed Cash Value, a non-guaranteed Terminal Bonus and a Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option, so as to grow the Cash Value continuously
- From the 15th policy anniversary onwards, you may exercise the Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option* and convert a portion of the Terminal Bonus into Accumulated Dividends
- Cash Value# = Guaranteed Cash Value + Terminal Bonus + Accumulated Dividends and Interest (if any)
* After the policy has been in force for 15 years, and within 30 days after each policy anniversary, you may submit a written request to exercise the Terminal Bonus Lock-in Option. The Lock-in Percentage for each conversion may not be less than 5% and the aggregate Lock-in Percentage may not exceed 60% of the Terminal Bonus. Subject to prevailing administrative rules. The conversion of Terminal Bonus cannot be reversed once the lock-in option is exercised. After conversion, the Terminal Bonus amount will be decreased.
# Net of any policy debt.
- The Death Benefit will be automatically adjusted according to the customer’s different stages in life. To suit your needs, you may also take out the Death Benefit Enhancement Option to top up the reducing Guaranteed Death Benefit
- The death benefit will be provided to the designated beneficiary as specified by the customers without the need to wait for completion of probate
- You may give advance instructions for Death Benefit Payment Options without the complications of setting up a trust
- Death Benefit* = “Guaranteed Death Benefit + Terminal Bonus + Accumulated Dividends and Interest (if any)” or “Cash Value” (whichever is higher)
* Net of any policy debt.
- You may cash out the Accumulated Dividends whenever you wish
- To deal with contingencies, you may also take out a policy loan or make partial surrender*
*Partial surrender of the policy will reduce the amount of the Guaranteed Cash Value, Terminal Bonus, Accumulated Dividends and interest (if any) and Enhanced Basic Sum Insured (if applicable) on a pro-rata basis accordingly.
- You may opt for 5, 10 or 20-year premium-payment terms or a single premium payment
- The plan offers 6 underwriting classes. A preferential premium rate will be offered to an Insured with good health

Single Premium:
Age 0-70
5 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-65
10 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-60
20 years Premium Payment Term:
Age 0-50

Whole of Life

5 / 10 / 20 Years / Single premium