Financial Planning
Why joining?
3 Key Benefits

- Career stability
Career development is not hampered by office politics, economic environment, staff lay-offs and salary freezes
- Earnings depend only on individual performance
Earnings and career advancement are 100% controlled by yourself
- Independence and autonomy
Working hours, workplace and service targets are all up to you.
3 Key Considerations

- Learn to interact with people
Meeting people is fundamental for the financial-planning career, where there is always the chance of being rejected
- Unbalanced distribution of income
The 80/20 rule is applicable to financial-planning industry: 80% of the income is earned by the top 20% consultants, because top performers are always more persistent.
- Self-discipline and working attitude
The working hours in the financial-planning industry, which are decided by the individual, are more flexible than in other industries. As a result, discipline in working habits and attitude is the crucial factor for being successful in this industry