If you make regular premium payments, your insurance coverage will continue. But what if you become disabled and are unable to meet your payment?
Waiver of Premium is a truly enhanced coverage which allows you to keep all the benefits intact without making future payments.

Premium Waived While Remain Totally Disabled

Continue to Enjoy Total Peace of Mind
- If a serious illness or injury leaves you incapable of engaging in any work for remuneration for not less than six consecutive months before age 65, the premiums will be waived as long as you remain totally disabled
- Provide enhanced coverage allowing you to enjoy all the policy's benefits without making further payments when you are diabled and cannot make regular payments

Issue Age (At Last Birthday)
Age 18 - 55

Benefit Term
Up to age 65 / Same as the premium payment term for the Basic Plan

Premium Payment Term
Up to age 65 / Same as the premium payment term for the Basic Plan